Wilber School Redevelopment Committee

Meeting Minutes for September 25th, 2006

Amended and Approved October 4, 2006


Committee Attendees

David DePree - Chair

Marcia Liebman

Michael Baskin

Melissa Mills

David Gordon

Joel Tran

Ed Hershfield

Greg Waugh

Marilyn Kahn


Phil Kopel


Bob Levin 




Meeting Initiation

Meeting called to order at 7:30 pm by David DePree.


Meeting discussion

v      DePree spoke to Town Counsel Paul Fitzgerald, who spoke to the Attorney General’s office and confirmed that the committee can ask questions of the proposed developers in order to make a final selection as long as the original criteria are used. In addition, the public can be introduced to the Committee’s recommended developer as part of the explanation of the selection process. The Selectmen will make the final decision and execute the contracts. The WSRC will present its recommendation Tuesday, September 26th at 8:45 pm at the BOS meeting. On Tuesday, October 3rd at 8:30 pm, as part of the BOS meeting (at the Sharon High School Library), there will be an information session for abutters and interested others. The recommended developer will be present.

v      DePree explained that Connolly & Partners have been invited to discuss their proposal at 7:30 pm for 45 minutes and that the Frontier Group will meet with us at 8:30 pm for 45 minutes, after which we will determine our recommended developer.

v      Liebman reminded committee members to turn in their completed score sheets on the proposals—several are still outstanding. 


Meeting Adjournment

Liebman/Levin moved to go into executive session for the purpose of discussing real property and to adjourn from executive session without returning to open meeting; unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 7:43 pm.


Respectfully submitted,

Rachelle F. Levitts